The Creative Tabs can be used to group related content together and make it easier for users to find what they are looking for. For example, a news website might use tabs to separate articles by topic or category.


You can set up different cards with title, subtitle, paragraph and CTA and make it as an automatic slider, where the cards pass one by one in a certain time. It’s a creative way to have tabs and include more information into each one.municate primary, secondary, and tertiary actions you want a visitor to take

Card title

Card subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ultricies et diam montes, eu proin a fringilla urna. Tempor nisl, in non nisl molestie nisl mi odio. Consequat nunc, vitae ipsum posuere suspendisse egestas ut. Placerat amet et sit in lectus tincidunt.

Card title

Card subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ultricies et diam montes, eu proin a fringilla urna. Tempor nisl, in non nisl molestie nisl mi odio. Consequat nunc, vitae ipsum posuere suspendisse egestas ut. Placerat amet et sit in lectus tincidunt.

Card title

Card subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ultricies et diam montes, eu proin a fringilla urna. Tempor nisl, in non nisl molestie nisl mi odio. Consequat nunc, vitae ipsum posuere suspendisse egestas ut. Placerat amet et sit in lectus tincidunt.


You can set up different cards with adding a thumbnail to each one, and complement the text.
This ones can be control by tabs.

Card title

Card subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ultricies et diam montes, eu proin a fringilla urna. Tempor nisl, in non nisl molestie nisl mi odio. Consequat nunc, vitae ipsum posuere suspendisse egestas ut. Placerat amet et sit in lectus tincidunt.


Card title

Card subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ultricies et diam montes, eu proin a fringilla urna. Tempor nisl, in non nisl molestie nisl mi odio. Consequat nunc, vitae ipsum posuere suspendisse egestas ut. Placerat amet et sit in lectus tincidunt.


Card title

Card subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ultricies et diam montes, eu proin a fringilla urna. Tempor nisl, in non nisl molestie nisl mi odio. Consequat nunc, vitae ipsum posuere suspendisse egestas ut. Placerat amet et sit in lectus tincidunt.


You can set up different cards with videos and CTA and make it as an automatic slider, where the cards
pass one by one in a certain time.

Card title

Card subtitle

Card title

Card subtitle

Card title

Card subtitle